I just google for “Surat Diamond” and 4 pages of google search result is filled with the news of the “Diwali Bonus: 500 cars, 200 flats and Jewelries to the employee”
This is the best example of social business that Surat Diamond have set. Just a week back there were hardly any people who heard about them. Now everyone is talking about them, including me and those who never seen diamonds. Their budget was around Rs. 50 crore and the level of publicity they getting is probably 100 times bigger. If the budget was spend on advertisement instead of giving bonus to employee then it would have not made much impact as it is now. May be their intention was not promotion, but it happened. Every media is after them, its in the top story and viral in all social media. Directly Indirectly the sales of Surat Business will grow now, clients will be added, job applicants will bein queue. This is “Social Business”.
Everyone who is working in diamond company must be thinking that they should be working for Surat Diamond.
The business promotion modules are changing. Social business is the future. This is definitely a challenge for the industry, the mindset will definitely change sooner or later. Example well set. Hatts off.